Erlent samstarf / International relations

Erlend samskipti eru mikilvægur þáttur í starfi Fjölbrautaskólans við Ármúla.

Umsjón með því starfi hefur Edda Lára Kaaber.

Edda Lára Kaaber



Fjölbrautaskólinn við Ármúla is a comprehensive, upper secondary school which offers vocational as well as general education as a preparation for academic studies. For many years pupils and teachers have been involved in projects with other European schools. The school participates in projects funded by Erasmus+ and Nordplus.

Projects include mobilities of teachers and students.

Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme is the new EU programme taking over from the Erasmus+ programme which was established in 2014 was concluded at the end of 2020.The new programme strengthens its efforts to increase the opportunities offered to more participants and to a wider range of organisations, focusing on its qualitative impact and contributing to more inclusive and cohesive, greener and digitally fit societies.

Fjölbrautaskólinn við Ármúla has received accreditation by the European Union's Erasmus+ program which is valid from 2023 to 2027. (

Nordplus is the Nordic Council of Ministers' most important programme in the area of lifelong learning for Nordic and Baltic countries.

The EEA Grants and Norway Grants provide funding to 16 EU countries in central and southern Europe. Only beneficiary countries can apply for grants for bilateral projects with one of the donor countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

There is no deadline for joining eTwinning and starting projects.

Responsible for international projects is Edda Lára Kaaber who is the international coordinator. (

Síðast uppfært: 28. desember 2024